
First of all, do not panic if you cannot complete the steps described below that will get you ready for the tutorials. Experienced people will be on hand before the sessions start, so we can help you get your computer ready. If you can complete some or all of the following steps for yourself, please do. That will give us more time to help others that have greater need of our assistance.

Getting prepared for the R tutorials

We need the latest version possible of the following software:

  1. R: (version 3.4.0 or higher). available from CRAN - the Comprehensive R Archive Network. The following is a direct link for Windows users to the latest installer for R under Windows.

  2. RStudio, (Optional) (version 1.0 or higher) available from the RStudio download page.

  3. pandoc (version or higher) available from the pandoc download page. A version of pandoc is built into RStudio but sometimes things don’t link up nicely. I recommend performing a separate download and installation.

  4. the BrailleR add-on package for R, and all its dependencies. You need to run R with a live internet connection to get this package installed. The two commands you will need to run in R are:

    install.packages("BrailleR", dependencies=TRUE)
  1. Python 2.7 is not essential but is very useful. You will also need wxPython. Get these installers if you want to and feel comfortable doing so. The current version of BrailleR has some helpful tools to get these items.

  2. An installation of LaTeX is advisable but not essential for these tutorials. Your documents can be converted by pandoc to a pdf (for sighted audiences) if LaTeX is installed.