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So far we have focused on (i) models containing just numerical covariates (linear regression models) and (ii) models containing just factors (‘ANOVA type’ models).

Naturally there will be situations in which we wish to model a response in terms of both numerical covariates and factors.

Generalizing factorial and regression models to include models with potentially both factors and numerical covariates produces the class of models (historically) referred to as General Linear Models.

The abbreviation GLM was used for these models for many years, and still is in some software. R uses this acronym to refer to generalised linear models which are covered in another course. As a consequence, we often find some confusion, but all linear models fit into the wider group of generalised linear models

We will look at general linear models in this lecture.

General Linear Models as Regressions

As we saw when we looked at factorial models, any factor can be coded using dummy variables so as to produce a linear regression model.

It follows that any general linear model can be fitted as a linear regression.

All the ideas about least squares estimation, fitted values and residuals remain unchanged.

Models with a Single Factor and Covariate

In order to understand how to use and interpret models with a combination of factors and numerical covariates, consider the simple case where we have a response variable, y, a covariate x and a factor A.

There are a number of different models that we could fit.


Separate Regressions at Different Levels of A

\[Y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_i x_{ij} + \varepsilon_{ij}\]

Note: intercept and slope depends on factor level i.
Treatment constraint fixes \(\alpha_1 = 0\).

R formula is Y ~ A + A:x

or equivalently Y ~ A/x

Here the notation of an interaction between the covariate and the factor is telling R to allow the regression slope to depend on the factor level.

Parallel Regressions at Different Levels of A

\[Y_{ij} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta x_{ij} + \varepsilon_{ij}\]

Note: constant slope, but intercept depends on factor level i.
Treatment constraint sets \(\alpha_1 = 0\).

R formula is Y ~ A + x

Single Regression Model

\[Y_{ij} = \mu + \beta x_{ij} + \varepsilon_{ij}\]

Note: factor A plays no role here.

R formula is the familiar Y ~ x

Technical aside:

Another possible model would be different regression slopes but a common intercept, but this is not commonly used.

Interpretation of Linear Model Formulae

The ideas just presented can be extended in a natural fashion to models with two or more factors and covariates.

Suppose that the R formula is Y ~ A/B + A:x + z

where `A` and `B` are factors, and `x` and `z` are covariates. Then the model is
defined by

\[Y_{ijk} = \mu +\alpha_i + \beta_{j(i)} + \gamma_i x_{ijk} + \delta z_{ijk} + \varepsilon_{ijk}.\]

Suppose that the R formula is Y ~ A*B + A:x

This model is defined by \(Y_{ijk} = \mu +\alpha_i + \beta_j + (\alpha\beta)_{ij} + \gamma_i x_{ijk} + \varepsilon_{ijk}.\)

Suppose that the R formula is Y ~ A/x + B/z

This model is defined by \(Y_{ijk} = \mu +\alpha_i + \beta_j + \gamma_{i} x_{ijk} + \delta_j z_{ijk} + \varepsilon_{ijk}.\)

Linear Models for Samara Data

Samara are small winged fruit on maple trees. In Autumn these fruit fall to the ground, spinning as they go. Research on the aerodynamics of the fruit has applications for helicopter design.

samara image

In one study the following variables were measured on individual samara:

  1. Velocity: speed of fall
  2. Tree: data collected from 3 trees
  3. Load: ‘disk loading’ (an aerodynamical quantity based on each fruit’s size and weight).

The aim of this Case Study is to model Velocity in terms of Load (a numerical covariate) and Tree (a factor).

Samara Data: R Code

`Download samara.csv

## Samara <- read.csv(file = "samara.csv", header = TRUE)
'data.frame':   35 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ Tree    : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Load    : num  0.239 0.208 0.223 0.224 0.246 0.213 0.198 0.219 0.241 0.21 ...
 $ Velocity: num  1.34 1.06 1.14 1.13 1.35 1.23 1.23 1.15 1.25 1.24 ...
Samara <- Samara %>% mutate(TreeF = factor(Tree))

N.B. It might prove useful to have the values of Tree as both a numeric and a factor variable.

Samara Data: Plot of Data

Samara %>% ggplot(mapping = aes(y = Velocity, x = Load)) + geom_point(mapping = aes(col = TreeF, 
    pch = TreeF))
Scatter plot of data with different colours and plotting symbols used to distinguish data from different trees.

Scatter plot of data with different colours and plotting symbols used to distinguish data from different trees.

Model Fitting

Samara.lm <- lm(Velocity ~ TreeF/Load, data = Samara)

lm(formula = Velocity ~ TreeF/Load, data = Samara)

      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
-0.120023 -0.049465 -0.001298  0.049938  0.145571 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   0.5414     0.2632   2.057   0.0488 *  
TreeF2       -0.8408     0.3356  -2.505   0.0181 *  
TreeF3       -0.2987     0.4454  -0.671   0.5078    
TreeF1:Load   3.0629     1.1599   2.641   0.0132 *  
TreeF2:Load   6.7971     0.9511   7.147 7.26e-08 ***
TreeF3:Load   3.8834     1.9672   1.974   0.0580 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.07554 on 29 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.8436,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.8167 
F-statistic: 31.29 on 5 and 29 DF,  p-value: 7.656e-11


In the R code we have fitted separate regressions of Velocity on Load for each type of Tree

As usual, the treatment constraint is used by default for TreeF (the factor version of Tree). Hence the Intercept listed under the coefficients is the intercept for Tree 1, with adjustments for trees 2 and 3 given in the summary table.

The Tree:Load interaction terms give the regression slopes for each Tree.

Hence the fitted model is as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} &\mbox{Tree 1}&~~~E[ \mbox{Velocity}] = 0.5414 + 3.0629 \mbox{Load}\\ &\mbox{Tree 2}&~~~E[ \mbox{Velocity}] = -0.2994 + 6.7971 \mbox{Load}\\ &\mbox{Tree 3}&~~~E[ \mbox{Velocity}] = 0.2427 + 3.8834 \mbox{Load}\end{aligned}\]

Design Matrix for the Samara Data

Write down the design matrix for the model samara.lm.

Verify your answer using the model.matrix() command.