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In this lecture we will look at simple linear regression modelling in R.
We shall use R to fit models (i.e. estimate the unknown parameters in models).
We shall discuss the interpretation of output from R.
CommandR uses the linear model command to fit models of this type.
The basic syntax is lm(formula, data)
is the model formula (required argument)
is the data frame in use (optional).## Pulse <- read.csv(file = "",
## header = TRUE)
Height Pulse
Min. :145.0 Min. : 64.0
1st Qu.:162.2 1st Qu.: 80.0
Median :169.0 Median : 80.0
Mean :168.7 Mean : 82.3
3rd Qu.:175.0 3rd Qu.: 84.0
Max. :185.0 Max. :116.0
It is common to use names for your models that make sense, especially to the person you will work with the most in future (you, yourself!). Remember, your future self will be pretty annoyed that your current self isn’t going to be able to answer questions about your funny selections of names, so go easy on yourself by being clear with your work.
The most common convention is to use a name that shows what data was used and what type of model was created. We will see <data>.lm
lots in this course!
<- lm(Pulse ~ 1 + Height, data = Pulse)
Pulse.lm summary(Pulse.lm)
lm(formula = Pulse ~ 1 + Height, data = Pulse)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-16.666 -4.876 -1.520 3.424 33.012
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 46.9069 22.8793 2.050 0.0458 *
Height 0.2098 0.1354 1.549 0.1279
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 8.811 on 48 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.04762, Adjusted R-squared: 0.02778
F-statistic: 2.4 on 1 and 48 DF, p-value: 0.1279
The most commonly sought numbers in that output are the coefficients
(Intercept) Height
46.906927 0.209774
But in simple regression, we often want to see how these coefficients create a line, and how that line looks alongside our data.
ggplot(Pulse, mapping = aes(x = Height, y = Pulse)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm",
se = FALSE) + labs(ylab = "Resting pulse rate (beats per minute)", xlab = "Height (in centimeters) ")
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
Plot of resting pulse rate (beats per minute) versus height (in centimeters) with fitted line added, for a sample of 50 hospital patients. Source: A Handbook of Small Data Sets by Hand, Daly, Lunn, McConway and Ostrowski.
The summary table of coefficients contains much relevant information. We can get this part of the summary using the tidy()
tidy(Pulse.lm) %>% kable()
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 46.906927 | 22.8793281 | 2.050188 | 0.0458292 |
Height | 0.209774 | 0.1354041 | 1.549245 | 0.1278917 |
The kable()
command here makes the pretty table for presentation; you wouldn’t use it in an interactive situation.
The fitted model (i.e. model with parameters replaced by estimates) is \[E[\mbox{Pulse}] = 46.91 + 0.21 ~\mbox{Height}\]
The error standard deviation, \(\sigma\), is estimated by s=8.811 (the residual standard error) according to the output.
The (multiple) R-squared statistic, R2, is the square of the correlation between the observed and fitted responses.
It can be interpreted as the proportion of variation in the response that is explained by the predictor in the model.
Hence Height
explains just R2 = 4.8% of the variation in the response according to the fitted model.
The slope estimate, \(\hat{\beta_1} = 0.209774\) has associated standard error \(SE(\hat \beta_1) = 0.1354041.\)
For testing H0: \(\beta_1 = 0\) versus H1: \(\beta_1 \ne 0\), the t-test statistic is
\[t = \hat \beta_1 / SE(\hat \beta_1) = 0.210/0.135 = 1.5492447\]
The corresponding P-value is P=0.1278917, just like when we did the analysis by hand.
We conclude that the data provide no evidence of a (linear) relationship between resting pulse rate and height.
Suppose (just for the purposes of argument) that we wish to test H0: \(\beta_1 = - 0.1\) versus H1: \(\beta_1 > - 0.1\). Use the R output given earlier to calculate the t-statistic for this test. How would you compute the associated P-value?
How would you calculate a 95% confidence interval for \(\beta_1\) the true slope ? What information do you need in addition to that which is provided in the R output?
Discuss these questions with your classmates.
Our conclusion does not provide evidence that pulse is not related to height - that’s not the way hypothesis testing works.
Our conclusions are based on the assumption that the model is appropriate.
Failure of the model assumptions A1-A4 (described previously) would indicate an inappropriate model.
We need diagnostic tools to assess model adequacy.
Comments on the R code for the Pulse Data
command reads (multivariate) data from a text file with commas separating the values.The option
indicates that the first line of the text file contains column headings (not data points).The
command will typically give sensible output when applied to a variety of types of object. We saw it used to summarise the raw data, and to summarise the simple regression model we fitted.The formula
Pulse ~ 1 + Height
specifies thatPulse
is the response andHeight
the explanatory variable in the model. The1
explicitly indicates inclusion of an intercept. (Most people leave it out.)The
command adds a line fitted using the specifiedmethod
for fitting the model. Note that we used"lm"
here so that this line matches the results from fitting a model usinglm()
to this data.