Download AccessibleSTEMSoftware.Rmd


The software below is here because it meets the following criteria:

  1. It is available on Windows.
  2. It is free to users.
  3. It works well with JAWS and NVDA screen readers.
  4. It is in common use by sighted students and professionals.

Please note that the standard I set for working well with screen readers is at a high threshold. My Gold Standard for Accessibility is very difficult to meet, and few STEM software options are good enough. In addition, the extra criteria I just listed means that the following software is far from a comprehensive list. It also reflects my needs and experiences. I do not evaluate every possible software option unless it provides something that is not included in my current set of preferred tools.


ou can use a direct link to the latest installer for R under Windows. which will download an installation file.

You should probably also walk through the instructions to help install the BrailleR package and other useful tools.

Last version used was 4.2.3 on 18 Apr 2023”

Installation via winget is possible. The software is named RProject.R so open a command prompt and type winget install RProject.R


Look for the latest version in the list at

The installation takes quite some time and JAWS did not announce progress well. The readme file that is offered for reading is just the latest changes so is not of much interest to a new Octave user.

Screen reader users should delete the shortcut to the GUI version; we need to use the command line interface (CLI) instead.

Last version tested was 7.2.0, tested in August 2022.

Installation via winget is possible. Use winget install octave in a command prompt.


Maxima has three versions all installed in one go. Full instructions are at

Blind users probably want either the command line interface (CLI) or the WxMaxima interface.

Last version tested was 5.4.5 released in June 2021.

Installation via winget is possible.