Godfrey, Jonathan
Efficient production of a conference book of abstracts
A. Jonathan R. Godfrey and Katharina Parry
Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North
Creation of an online book of abstracts has proven challeging for other conference organisers. We chose to use the bookdown approach generally used for technical manuals which have dozens to hundereds of printed pages as the basis for this conference’s book of abstracts for a variety of reasons:
- it can be viewed online using a variety of devices;
- it was easy to update;
- it created new opportunities for inclusion of R commands and output;
- it looks good;
- and if anyone wants the printed version, they can do it themselves using a pdf file we provide.
This lightning talk will show you how easy it was to prepare this key element of organising a conference; we may have learned some lessons worth sharing along the way.
Talk slides are available here.](https://R-Resources.massey.ac.nz/GodfreyTalk.html)