Friday 30 November


None to note at present


Time What’s on
10:00 Opening
10:05 KeynoteAddress Inaugural ANZ Journal of Statistics Discussion Paper
11:15 Comfort break
11:20 Panel discussion
12:30 Wind up and thanks
1:00 Safe travels

Inaugural ANZ Discussion Paper


Dr Francis Hui will present the paper: Hui, F.K.C., Muller, S. and Welsh, A.H. (2019) Testing Random Effects in Linear Mixed Models: Another Look at the F-test (with discussion).

To be followed by discussants, Chris Triggs and Geoff Jones, and an opportunity for the presenter to respond. Questions from the audience will close this session.

Chair: Prof. Martin Hazelton, Theory and Methods Editor, ANZJS.

Panel discussion - What is the future for statistics

Our panel (John Maindonald, Marie Luckman, Ian Westbrooke, and Vanessa Cave) will each have ten minutes to put their views before the panel as a whole responds to questions from the audience.

Chair: Jonathan Godfrey