Ziedins, Ilze
Improving health care delivery: from theory to practice
Department of Statistics, University of Auckland
New Zealand has an excellent public health system,
operating within a very constrained funding environment.
Providing timely health care is crucial, yet patients often
experience delays in receiving treatment. Are there ways
in which these delays could be reduced? Could the existing
capacity be used in different ways? I will discuss some
of the challenges in answering these questions,
and give examples of both theoretical and simulation based
approaches. These problems lie at the nexus of
statistics, applied probability, and operations research.
Ilze Ziedins works on modelling and analysis of stochastic networks, with applications to health care, transportation, and communications networks. She was an undergraduate at Waikato, then a PhD student and junior research fellow at Cambridge, and a lecturer at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, before joining the University of Auckland. Her recent work has concentrated on models of networks with selfish routing, and modelling and optimization of health care delivery.
Session details
This plenary address will be delivered in AH1 on Wednesday 28 November
at 9:00.
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